Duties and Responsibilities of P.A. / Stenographer / Steno-Typist with regard to care of Typewriters
Officials using typewriters must take proper care of them as they would bestow to their personal belongings Some of the points which should receive attention are listed below :
1 Each machine should be thoroughly dusted, brushed and tested by the typist every morning before work begins.
2 Nothing but typewriter oil should be used for lubrication.
3 Alt types of machines should be cleaned with methylated spirit immediately after a stencil is cut.
4 No screws or other parts of the machine should be opened or interfered with.
5 When the day's work is finished the machine should be covered.
6 These officials are responsible for their own machines.
Duties and Responsibilities of Record Keeper
1 The previous papers including completion of reference are put up in time to the assistant.
2 These paper must be arranged and tagged before submission.
3 Proper referencing of fresh receipts be got done.
4 Flags, flying covers and flaps are added before the case is submitted for orders..
5 Reminder register be carefully checked and maintained.
6 He must prepare the list of cases pending over 3 months..
7 Note book to keep note of important rules, orders and precedents be maintained.
8 Preparation of index for all files be got done.
9 Reminders be issued in time as indicated by the Asstt. / Supdt. / Branch Officer.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Diarist
1 Diarising of fresh receipts.
2 Distribution of fresh receipts..
3 Keeping movement of papers.
4 Preparation of weekly arrear report.
5 Preparation of challans for sending out cases to the issue Branch.
6 Preparation of fortnightly list of Govt. of India, Punjab Government's letters needing replies.
7 Maintenance of register regarding question asked in Lok Sabha / Rajya Sabha / Vidhan Sabha.
Duties and Responsibilities of Draftiest
1 Papers and universal forms.
2 To seal official and private confidential covers..
3 To distribute universal forms when required by the Stationery Assistant.
4 To repair old record, form PUC and notes etc.
5 To rule lines for statements required by branches.
6 To help the stationery Assistant in the distribution of the stationery.
7 To send copies of annual gazettes and gradation lists to press for binding purposes.
8 To circulate the Govt. of India / Punjab Govt.'s gazettes among the various Superintendents end outs / Branch Officers.
9 To prepare levi or paste for uses in all branches.
10 To take cuttings from news papers and periodicals and to paste them on sheets under directions of Supdt.
11 To lake cuttings from the Annual Statement of Newspapers and periodicals for revision purposes.
12 To arrange and keep in good condition newspapers, periodicals etc, and attend the requisitions for them form various officers.
13 To paste correction slips in the books to various officers and those of the branches.
14 To help the librarian in his annual stock-taking.
15 To fix services postages stamps on envelops and mention their account.
16 To dispatch dak and telegrams etc. issued from branches of the office and prepare envelopes, packets and parcels.
17 To help the dispatcher in the circulation of all printed matter.

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Punjab State Warehousing Corporation.