Duties and Responsibilities of  Assistant

 The Assistant is supposed to do noting & drafting

   A.    NOTING :
  1. When a case has been completed by ten Record Keeper, it is submitted to the Assistant concerned for the purpose of  noting before submission to the Superintendent / Branch Officer. When the action to be taken is categorical or  the suggestion to be made very simple, the Assistant should put up the draft  letter or endst or disposal of the case.
  2. Incomplete cases should not be submitted to the Supdt. / Branch Officer.
  3. The note to be recorded by the Assistant must be  unambiguous.
  4. All the relevant facts must be incorporated in the note.
  5. Office  note must  be as short, as possible and should be legibly written in ink or typed on note sheets.
  6. Facts contained in the PUC should not be repeated in the note.
  7. The note must be continuous in its approach.
  8. The note should be written temperately and should be free from personal remarks.
  9. Note must be given paragraphs. Paragraphs should contain suggestion with definite point for orders. In the last
    paragraphs of the note, facts be summarized with suggestions.
  10. Note  must contain reference (s) when required. Such reference must be properly flagged / numbered.
  11. After writing the note, assistant must ensure that the note sheet are attached to each other by tag and that there are at least couple of spare noting sheet. The note sheet must be paged by the assistant before it is past on the Supdt. / Branch Officer.
  12. The assistant should sign his name in full on the left hand side with showing the month and the year.
  13. Before the note is submitted to the Supdt. / Branch Officer the following points may also be kept in view by the Assistant according to the importance of the case :-
  1. Reference to any rules, precedents, previous orders, which may be applicable and an explanation of their
    bearing on the question for disposal.
  2. Suggestions for action and in cases in which disposal is governed by rule in which concurrence of other departments is necessary and indication of the procedure  which should be followed, be also given.
  3. Latest instructions rules received from the Govt. from time to time must be quoted and files to this effect
    must be in the custody of the Assistant for ready reference.
  1. When the case is received from the Branch Officer, the next step is to convert the order so passed by the Branch Officer into the form of an official communication. This is known as drafting. A draft may be put up even in anticipation of orders, if there is no doubt about the action to be taken on the PUC. Whenever anAssistant thinks he can expedite the disposal of a case, he should put up a draft along with his note.
  2. Ordinarily two days are required after passing the orders of the Branch Officer for submission of draft(s). But in urgent cases, one day will suffice.
  3. The draft should be flagged properly and placed below the comments being submitted to the  officer concerned.
  4. Where more than one draft is to be put up, the number of drafts be indicated.
  5. The draft should be as brief as possible with its clearity and completeness. Repetition should be avoided while drafting the communication.
  6. All official  correspondence may be worded courteously and temperately and free from personalremarks / suggestion.
  7. Abbreviation in the draft should always be avoided by the assistant.
  8. Every paragraph of the draft must be numbered and fully referenced on the margin.
  9. Except in cases of urgency and purely routine matters, no official communication should be addressed direct
    to the officer subordinate to Heads of Departments. However, when any such communication is made, a copy
    should be followed simultaneously to the Head of the Department.
  10. The following are different kinds of drafts :-

  11. Letter

  12. Memorandum

  13. Circular

  14. Telegram

  15. Notification

  16. Office Memorandum

  17. Endorsement

  18. Memo Call

  19. Express letter